A long weekend!

Day 3

I took a break from RetroChallenge and started my #Hacktoberfest activities by creating a game help page for Crazy Mazey - which just happens to be the first game I ever owned. PR #1 done and merged.

I reviewed the Poll results and was shocked to see that 1/3 of responders had not heard of Total Replay. Not as surprising was that 1/2 of responders did not know that Total Replay needed help. This is my target audience!

Day 4

I continued my #Hacktoberfest activities by contributing a game help page for Crime Wave. PR #2 done and awaiting merge.

As part of #Hacktoberfest, I get to contribute to the Total Replay project and consume my own dog food by testing the documentation I have created. So this really is relevant to RetroChallenge.

The list of games that need game help had not been updated for a long time, so today I updated it for the list of new games that have been added to Total Replay and corrected any filenames that had been changed.

I created a new Info tab and archived off previous contributions, so this is really looking a lot cleaner and the elaborated Info page provides a better overview of what its purpose is and how to contribute. I told the TR team about the updates so I'll see what feedback comes in over night.



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