A long month
Wow, how time flies. I continued to work on several fronts throughout the month but didn't have much to share. I completed a number of Pull Requests into Total Replay to provide game help which ensured that I completed Hacktoberfest, but as I went I tried a few different methods of keeping my local repository updated with changes from 4am's upstream master. This helped improve my understanding of the mechanics of Github - Github desktop and I would like to be able to say that I have a solid process to follow that I can now document for others - but I'm still not sure if there may be a better way. I guess I can document what I do and take feedback from those that may follow. With the end of the month looming on the calendar, I reviewed my goals and accepted that I was probably unable to meet them within the timeframe left. But I took a shot at converting my rough notes on an activity flowchart into an actual interactive flow chart to see what it may look like. The result all...